Dentist Hendon: Finding an Invisalign Dentist

When searching for an Invisalign provider, be sure to choose one who possesses both experience and expertise in real-life cases as well as a positive reputation.

Your Invisalign specialist dentist Hendon will perform an initial screening to make sure you are an ideal candidate for clear aligners treatment, then send them off to be customised and manufactured by a lab.

How Invisalign Works

Dentists specialising in Invisalign will take three-dimensional digital images of your jaw before creating an individual treatment plan using ClinCheck software to move individual teeth on screen and observe how straightening affects facial aesthetics.

As opposed to traditional braces, Invisalign trays are transparent and easily removable for meals and brushing teeth. Furthermore, they’re tailored specifically to each patient’s mouth and gumline to allow for an uninterrupted eating experience without being limited by hard or sticky foods.

Trays may also be less likely to produce food debris or plaque build-up than metal braces due to lack of wires and brackets that trap bits of food debris, yet patients must still be sure to brush and floss regularly, particularly because cleaning the trays is challenging.

Some Invisalign patients may require an IPR (interproximal reduction). This procedure entails having their dentist sand down some enamel from their patient, creating space between teeth so that Invisalign treatment will proceed more easily.

Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign specialist dentist Hendon can address a range of dental issues, from crookedness and crowding to bite issues and TMJ dysfunction. Correcting them with Invisalign not only makes your smile more appealing but can help avoid future health problems like tooth decay, gum disease and TMJ dysfunction.

Invisalign treatment is less invasive than traditional braces. Instead of metal wires and brackets, Invisalign uses clear trays that blend seamlessly with your smile instead. Made of Invisalign’s own patented material called SmartTrack, they can be customised-fitted specifically to your mouth for ultimate comfort and can easily be cared for with warm water mixed with hydrogen peroxide for cleaning; most cases typically require 20-30 trays; they’re changed every one to two weeks.

At least once every six to eight weeks, you should visit an Invisalign-trained dentist for progress checks. They will evaluate your teeth and gums to ensure the aligners are functioning as designed, providing new trays as necessary and discussing any concerns you have about Invisalign treatment.

Similar to mail-in teeth-straightening products, appointments for Invisalign are an integral part of its process. Missing them could delay or even stop its effectiveness; Invisalign works best when used by adults; it may not work as effectively for teens and younger children.

Invisalign Cost

Costs associated with Invisalign will differ based on a number of factors, but one key element to keep in mind is whether or not your dental insurance covers some or all of it. Most dental plans offer orthodontic benefits which cover Invisalign costs in addition to braces – and sometimes cover them both! Coverage amounts for Invisalign specialist dentist Hendon may be measured either as a percentage or set dollar amount with most plans having lifetime caps for such benefits.

On the Invisalign website, you can locate certified Invisalign providers. These orthodontists have been pre-vetted by the company to ensure they possess appropriate training and experience, and selecting an orthodontist who holds this title can help prevent overpaying for treatment while guaranteeing more effective results.

Invisalign Insurance

Most dental insurance plans cover orthodontic treatments like Invisalign; however, it’s essential to review your specific policy to confirm coverage. Orthodontic benefits typically cover up to $1,500 of treatment costs; comprehensive dental policies often include this benefit; alternatively you can check with your orthodontist’s office and see if they are an approved Invisalign provider.

The cost of Invisalign may depend on your dentist or orthodontist’s qualifications and the complexity of your case, with traditional metal braces using brackets and wires which remain fixed in place throughout treatment while Invisalign uses clear aligners that can be taken out for oral hygiene, meals, or special events – usually within 12-18 months to straighten crookedness in teeth.

Finding an Invisalign specialist dentist Hendon who specialises in treating various conditions can save money on treatment. Ask if they offer monthly payment plans; these make large expenses more manageable by breaking them down into manageable chunks over time.

As well, visiting your regular general dentist to receive Invisalign may also be beneficial, since they will have records of any previous tooth cleanings or work performed – making follow-up appointments and assistance easier if required.