What Is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage therapy is a form of bodywork that specialises in targeting soft tissues and muscles to alleviate pain, improve posture and help manage or prevent injury.

As part of your initial Yates remedial massage appointment, a therapist will discuss your health history before performing tests to gauge your range of movement, flexibility and strength. From this assessment, they will create an individualised treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Relieves Pain

Yates remedial massage Adelaide helps relieve pain by targeting its source rather than treating its symptoms. It has proven successful at relieving discomfort caused by sports injuries, arthritis and chronic discomfort in many situations.

Remedial massage has also been proven to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is a leading factor for many illnesses and chronic diseases. In addition, remedial massage may help with better circulation to affected areas and lymphatic drainage to detoxify the body.

Some massage therapists specialise in treating specific muscle conditions, while others are trained in multiple modalities that can alleviate pain. Thus, each client will have a unique experience when visiting their massage therapist.

Your therapist will ask many questions about your health and lifestyle, any previous treatments you’ve received for muscle issues and what solutions might best meet those needs. Once this information has been gathered, they can assess the best solutions.

Your therapist may ask you to perform some movements in the area they are studying to assess how tight your muscles are and gather more insight into your condition.

Your therapist will then apply the appropriate pressure to your muscles, which could range from firm and deep to gentle and shallow, depending on the severity of your condition and individual sensitivity.

Relieves Stress

Yates remedial massage Adelaide can be an effective way of relieving both mental and emotional strain. Employing techniques like deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and neuromuscular facilitation, this type of massage loosens tight muscles while decreasing pain levels.

Therapy using sound waves also promotes circulation, reduces inflammation and produces endorphins, which promote positive emotions – perfect for treating anxiety, depression, insomnia and an impaired immune system.

Contrasting with relaxation massage, which tends to relax tired muscles, remedial massage addresses the source of any pain in the body. Again, an assessment is used to pinpoint exactly where this discomfort exists before unique treatments are used to remove it.

Remedial massage therapists draw on their extensive anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology knowledge to tailor treatments specifically to each client. It may involve conducting various assessments such as range-of-motion testing, functional tests or postural analyses.

Improves Circulation

Remedial massage improves circulation by increasing blood flow to tight or overworked body parts and stimulating lymphatic systems that flush out toxins that contribute to inflammation.

Many individuals suffering from chronic or long-term muscle aches find that remedial massage effectively solves their symptoms, increasing mobility and decreasing discomfort. Massage can also ease pins and needles sensations caused by compressed sciatic nerves in the lower back, buttocks and legs.

Maintaining healthy circulation is paramount for optimal health and well-being, ensuring oxygen and nutrients reach every part of your body. Maintaining optimal circulation is, therefore, critical in supporting long-term well-being.

Circulation increases can also help lower your risk for various conditions, including heart disease and stroke. Maintaining a healthy weight by keeping active, exercising regularly, eating nutritiously and following an eating regimen are all great ways to promote circulation.

Sleep can also contribute to better circulation, helping keep you healthier by flushing away fatty plaques from your arteries – something constructive if you suffer from high blood pressure or cardiovascular conditions.

Remedial massage has been scientifically proven to relieve Raynaud’s syndrome, in which your fingers and toes become numb due to narrowed blood vessels, aiding recovery following surgery, injury or sporting events. Remedial massage may also play a significant role in speeding up healing time after surgery or sports events.

A professional massage therapist will assess your posture, strength and flexibility to determine which techniques will work best for you and then treat any muscles, tendons or ligaments that cause discomfort or pain.